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seek and you will find – by Pastor Dan Meyer

August 31, 2012


I have been around Element3 for over 8 years now. I have seen people come and grow. I have seen people come and go. The difference has often been defined by whether they connect with others in the community or whether they choose to sit and wait for someone to pursue them.

Truly, my hope is that we do become a community that bleeds hospitality in such a way that every single human being who walks through our doors will be pursued with the same love and desire for fellowship that God shows toward us. But that blessed expression that God gives to us does not negate our true purpose – to love God with every single part of our being and to love others in a way that is equal to how we love ourselves.

One day I am going to stand before God and I want Him to know me. I want my name to roll out of His mouth with an air of familiarity. I want to hear Him tell me He is proud of me. I want to be a good steward. But all these desires come because I know God. Not a theory. Not a promise to somebody else. I know God because I have experienced Him as He has transformed (and is transforming) my heart and mind.

For us to be fully devoted followers of Christ and know God, we have to choose — in spite of the busyness of life, through the multitude of “good” things to do, sometimes against the things we want to do — to express our faith through the things that God has defined as valuable. We have to create space to let God spiritually transform us.

On September 16th, Pathways: Personified will begin and many people are going to grow. Many people are going to join the movement of God in our community and answer His call to deeper fellowship – with Himself and with others. And some people will go.

I pray that we come alongside each other and encourage one another to diligently seek God with expectation, with longing, with a fervor and passion that maybe we have never experienced before or maybe we have lost somewhere along the way. I pray that we cast aside fear and distrust so that we can speak truth into each other’s lives. I pray that God refines our priorities and how we spend our resources so that He may continue to be glorified in us and through us as we follow Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength.

Are you on the Pathway? I encourage you to intentionally set aside the 6 weeks of Pathways Personified to run hard after God. Come to each Sunday gathering. Participate in a Growth Group. Read the Pathways Devotional daily. Join in the Connexity events. Take personal responsibility for your spiritual growth and make the connections. Expect and ask great things of your Creator. He will answer. He wants to answer. He wants to know you.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Chari Shaw permalink
    August 31, 2012 1:21 PM

    “He wants to know you” … Not being picky but I think you meant that He wants us to know Him. Does he not already know us? That’s what I always thought. Thanks in advance for your answer. 😉

    • Element3 Church permalink
      August 31, 2012 1:36 PM

      Thanks Chari… Yes, you are right… God knows us but I was referring to something beyond God’s omniscience.

      In Matthew 7 Jesus meets many people and to some He says, “I never knew you… go away from Me.” Often times we think we know God but the truth comes out in whether we trust Him or not. If our prayers are all about explaining to God who we are and what we think then we realize that we don’t think God knows us. Our intimacy with God will reveal to us that He knows us and we won’t be surprised when we see Him face to face because we will have lived a life of loving relationship with Him. God wants us to know Him so much that we know how much He knows us and has completely answered our need for Him through Jesus Christ. Relationship is dependent on getting that feedback that someone knows us.

      Thanks for the conversation!
      Dan Meyer

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